Relationship Between History of Anemia in Pregnant Women and Newborn Weight in Rengel Public Health Center


  • Eva Silviana Rahmawati IIK NU Tuban
  • Agustiya Novitasari IIK NU Tuban
  • Nanik Nuraini Akademi Kebidanan Mandiri Gresik
  • Ahmad Fauziansyah IIK NU Tuban



Anemia, Baby weight


The causes of failure of mothers in practicing exclusive breastfeeding are various, such as the habit of giving prelactal feeding, giving formula milk because the milk does not come out, stopping breastfeeding because the mother or baby is sick, the mother is busy working so she does not have time to breastfeed the baby, and the mother wants to try formula milk (Salsabila , Meliana et al, 2020). This habit exacerbates the incidence of breast milk production which is not smooth. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of consumption of Moringa leaves on the smoothness of daily breastfeeding in post partum mothers at Rengel Tuban Health Center. Anemia is a condition of body which does not have enough ferum (Fe) because the hemoglobin making process is blocked. Anemia for pregnant women can influence the baby weight because it does not get enough nutrition from the mother. Weight influence baby in adapt from intrauterine live to extrauterine live. The purpose of the study was to analyze bthe relation anemia in pregnant women and the baby weight who just born in Puskesmas Rengel. The design used was retrospective. Sampling which is used in this research is an purposive sampling. The sample is 32 women which anemia and bear in Puskesmas Rengel. This data is processed by sperm rank test in significant space, a = (0,05). The results of the study found that pregnant women who experienced severe anemia where 14 respondents , there are 10 (71,4%) babies who born in low weight. The result from the data analysis, have P value = 0,00<a (0,05). In conclusion, there is a corelation between pregnant women who have anemia and weight of baby who just born. So, it is suggested for pregnant women to consume food which have Fe inside, and Fe tablet.


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How to Cite

Rahmawati, E. S., Novitasari , A., Nuraini, N., & Fauziansyah, A. (2025). Relationship Between History of Anemia in Pregnant Women and Newborn Weight in Rengel Public Health Center. Jurnal Midpro, 16(2), 218–228.