Hubungan Vulva Hygiene Dengan Kecepatan Penyembuhan Luka Perineum Ibu Nifas Di BPM Yuliani S.ST
Vulva hygiene, healing of perineal woundsAbstract
Kejadian robekan perineum pada ibu nifas saat bersalin setiap tahunnya semakin meningkat dan mengalami penyembuhan luka yang lama. Hal ini dipengaruhi beberapa faktor salah satunya yaitu vulva hygiene. Berdasarkan survey awal yang dilakukan diBPM Yuliani S.ST di lakukan secara wawancara dan obserfasi dari 10 (100%) ibu nifas didapatkan 7 (70%) ibu nifas yang penyembuhan luka perineumnya lebih dari 7 hari, wawancara lebih lanjut diketahui ibu yang tidak melakukan vulva hygiene dengan benar karena takut akan menyentuh luka jahitan dan takut apabila terlalu sering terkena air jahitan akan sembuh semakin lama.
Desain penelitian Analitik Korelasional dengan metode Cohort. Populasi seluruh ibu nifas yang mengalami luka jahitan perineum di BPM Yuliani S.ST sebesar 35 ibu nifas. Metode sampling menggunakan Consecutive Sampling.Variabel independen vulva hygiene dan variabel dependen kecepatan penyembuhan luka perineum pada ibu nifas. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui kuesioner tertutup dan lembar observasi luka perineum. Data ditabulasi dan dianalisis menggunakan uji Fisher’s Exact Test.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan p=0,000, α = 0,05 p < α dimana H1 diterima artinya ada hubungan vulva hygiene dengan kecepatan penyembuhan luka perineum pada ibu nifas ada hubungan yang signifikan. Diharapkan penelitian ini  meningkatkan peran tenaga kesehatan memberikan KIE tentang vulva hygiene sehingga penyembuhan luka perineum ibu nifas.
The incidence of perineal tears in postpartum mothers during childbirth is increasing every year and has a long wound healing. This is influenced by several factors, one of which is vulva hygiene. Based on the initial survey conducted at BPM Yuliani S.ST conducted by interview and observation of 10 (100%) puerperal mothers found 7 (70%) puerperal mothers who healing perineal wounds more than 7 days, further interviews known to mothers who did not do vulva hygiene correctly for fear of touching the suture wound and afraid that if it is too often exposed to water the stitches will heal for longer.
Correlational Analytic research design with the Cohort method. The population of all postpartum mothers who suffered perineal suture injuries in BPM Yuliani S.ST was 35 postpartum mothers. The sampling method uses consecutive sampling. Valuable independent variables are hygiene and the dependent variable is the speed of perineal wound healing in postpartum mothers. The research data were obtained through a closed questionnaire and perineum wound observation sheet. Data were tabulated and analyzed using the Fisher's Exact Test.
The results showed p = 0,000, α = 0.05 p <α where H1 was accepted meaning there was a relationship of vulva hygiene with the speed of healing of perineal wounds in postpartum mothers there was a significant relationship. It is hoped that this research will increase the role of health workers in providing IEC about vulva hygiene so that the healing of puerperal perineal wounds.
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