Optimization of MCH Book Filling in the Implementation of Formula 6 Postpartum Visitation


  • Rizki Amalia universitas nahdlatul ulama surabaya
  • Yunik Windarti unusa




Background : Utilization of MCH Handbook in Paciran Health Center is not maximal. Postpartum mothers have MCH books but consider MCH books only for pregnant women and toddlers so that in the postpartum maternal health column is still empty , the majority of postpartum mothers ignore the importance of postpartum visits, do not conduct postpartum control visits national program policy for postpartum visits there are 3 times namely Formula 6 Postpartum : 6-8 hours post partum, 6 days post partum, 6 weeks post partum.

Objective: Analize optimizing filled MCH book on postpartum mother columns to make the program successful formula 6

Method: The type of research used was qualitative. The population of this study were all midwives who lived in the working area of a Paciran Community Health Center,  totaling 30 people, all of whom were subjected to the study (total population). The variable in this study is a single variable, the midwife in filling this MCH Handbook uses a written questionnaire, the measurement scale uses an ordinal scale, with criteria of supporting, neutral, refusing, then tabulating the data.

The results of the study illustrate that 13 midwives (43, 33%) were supportive, 6 midwives ( 200 %) were neutral and 11 midwives (36.67%) were resistant. While in the completeness of filling MCH books, none (0%) of MCH books are completely filled in accordance with the technical guidelines for the use of MCH books by the Indonesian Ministry of Health .



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How to Cite

Amalia, R., & Windarti, Y. (2020). Optimization of MCH Book Filling in the Implementation of Formula 6 Postpartum Visitation. Jurnal Midpro, 12(1), 99–104. https://doi.org/10.30736/md.v12i1.135