About the Journal

Journal title Jurnal EnviScience (Environment Science)
Initials JEV
Grade SINTA 5
Frequency Two issues per year (March and September)
Print ISSN 2597-9612
Online ISSN 2715-0046
Editor-in-chief Marsha Savira Agatha Putri, S.ST, M.Sc.
Man. Editor Sayyidatun Najjah, S.KL.
Publisher Litbang Pemas, Universitas Islam Lamongan
Cite Analysis Google Scholar
Indexing Sinta | Google Scholar | Garuda |Crossref | Dimensions 

Jurnal EnviScience publishes articles on all aspects of the interaction between the environment and human health. This interaction can broadly be divided into four areas:

  1. Environmental monitoring and assessment – health implications and monitoring of air, water, and soil pollutants; health improvements; air, water, and soil quality standards, exposure limits, pollutant monitoring, and control;
  2. Environmental sanitation – drainage system, waste treatment, water treatment, hazard identification, occupational safety and health, disease spread, control and prevention, food hygiene and control;
  3. Environmental microbiology – parasitology, environmental toxicology, environmental genetics,
  4. Public health entomology - health aspects of rodents and insects


Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Environmental pollution on Human Health and Environment, Management Technology Environment & Policy in the Field Environmental Health


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